The elihu speeches their place and sense in the book of job

God and are totally dependent on his grace for deliverance. Elihu teaches job about the justice and righteousness of god. Their speeches became repetitive, hostile, and shorter as the conversation comes to a close. Second, the style of the elihu speeches is different from the style used in the other parts of the book. The characteristics elihu assigns to himself are indeed desirable. The role and character of elihu in the book of job the.

God finally arriving in person to judge not just in the sense of judgement. After 35 chapters of human discussion that has often seemed futile and meaningless, god finally speaks. In this paper i discuss whether the elihu speeches are later interpolations or original to the writing, and i defend the latter. Also waterss discussion of elihus four speeches shows that critics are wrong in suggesting elihus view of suffering was no different from that of jobs three companions. Many scholars feel as if the book of job would have more integrity if elihu and his speeches were wiped from its pages mckenna p. Most books of the bible take place on larger stages, but the book of job goes down at a very specific and narrow point in the human life cycle. Although elihus speeches form an interesting part of the book, they too are irrelevant to jobs actual case because they fail to solve jobs dilemma of suffering. In the words of aquinas, he uses more penetrating arguments against job than the prior speeches and approaches nearer the truth. The different opinions about the elihu speeches job 3237 contribute greatly to confusion in research on the book of job. A brash young man who knows nothing of spiritual things. Elihu is a strange character, at least in the sense of how and where he appears in the book of job.

Their place and sense in the book of job tyndale bulletin 66 1 2015 7594. Questions about elihu in the book of job scripture. The elihu speeches their place and sense in the book of. Waters has made an outstanding contribution to the study of the book of job and the subject of undeserved suffering. Elihu explains his view of suffering in one other place, namely, 36. And so, elihu is afraid that these friends were planning to abdicate what he views to be their responsibility to answer job. So job does not answer him, although he still deviates a little from the truth and interprets the words of job in the wrong sense, as we shall clearly see commentary on the book of job, chapter 32.

The authenticity of the elihu speeches in job 3237 29 allotted to elihu in comparison to the four chapters assigned to eliphaz, the three to bildad, and the two to zophar, b the placement of the elihu speeches in the book, and c the reaction the speeches have. It is common to view the narrative frame as the original core of the book, enlarged later by the poetic dialogues and discourses, and sections of the book such as the elihu speeches and the wisdom poem of chapter 28 as late insertions, but recent trends have tended to concentrate on the. Furthermore, if god truly is the allpowerful sovereign that he portrays himself as in job 3841, it seems. But the writer of the book of job is not satisfied to live that way. Does this suggest the author believes elihu has contributed some important insight that cannot be countered. The present argument is, however, not much affected if one interprets elihus speeches more positively, as done by c. He expresses dissatisfaction with the friends reasoning and also with their inability to counter jobs arguments v12. Although there are many variations, the reasons for rejecting the authenticity of the elihu speeches basically fall into four categories. He is not mentioned anywhere else in the book, which means the author doesnt give us any clues as to whether he is to be. First, the name elihu is a variant spelling of the name elijah, and elihu s actions in the book of job suggest a strong connection to the great prophet. Commentary on the book of job chapter thirtytwo by wm w wells.

In the book of job, job has three friends approach him and condemn him for evil. Unfortunately, two erroneous interpretations of jobs theses are by far the most popular. Its as if they are writing letters rather than speaking or the speeches were compiled separately. Dec 01, 2016 is it significant that job gives no response to elihu.

And when we hear people saying those kinds of things, were often compelled to speak in defense of god or those other people. Second cycle of speeches 1521 objectives in studying this section 1 to observe the progress of the great debate, in which jobs friends are unable to convince job that he is some great sinner who deserves his suffering 2 to note how job continues to vent his complaint, and while losing hope for. Elihu not mentioned in the close of the book job 42. Nov 11, 2014 this seems like a legitimate point, as god levies similar arguments later the in the book. In what possible sense could job have spoken rightly about god. And thats the position that the biblical character elihu finds himself in. Elihu was the son of barakel, a descendant of buz, and belonged to the clan of ram. The elihu speeches their place and sense in the book of job.

Is it significant that job gives no response to elihu. The role and character of elihu in the book of job. Their place and sense in the book of job, tynbul 66 2015. Elihu the second half of the book of job is made up of three major speeches. Elihu denounces job for losing faith and denying gods justice. What needs to be noted about the entire book of job that seems to get.

Elihu by arthur davis on 28 march 2010 10 comments. Elihu concluded that the friends had condemned job without finding an answer for him and elihu was angered against job for justifying himself rather than god job 32. It is the young elihu who brings a fresh approach to the situation and raises jobs thought by pointing out that sometimes god uses suffering for a higher purpose. Was it unfair for god to allow job to suffer over what was basically an argument between god and satan. Unfortunately, two erroneous interpretations of job s theses are by far the most popular. First, elihu is mentioned nowhere in the book of job outside of his speeches in job 3237. Not only do they incur the indignation of job and his other friend elihu, but god himself rebukes them, saying to eliphaz, i am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my. The point elihu was making is that gods retributive justice. But at the beginning job 32 and at the end job 37, they are skillfully woven into the fabric of the book and made to play a legitimate role. The authenticity of the elihu speeches in job 3237 29 allotted to elihu in comparison to the four chapters assigned to eliphaz, the three to bildad, and the two to zophar, b the placement of the elihu speeches in the book, and c the reaction the speeches have drawn from critical circles on the question of authenticity. Job 36 elihu teaches job about god look at the book. Oct 23, 2014 elihu, the forgotten prophet of job the book of job is one of the most important of the entire bible, and is a prerequisite to all discussions of christian theology, particularly theodicy. Elihu takes a middle ground, and says that neither was the correct opinion. The elihu speeches are thought by many to be a later addition to the text, but they are absolutely essential to the story.

The bulk of elihu s speech then focuses on the justice of god, which elihu feels job has maligned. Interpretations of elihu in job biblical hermeneutics stack exchange. The elihu speeches in the criticism of the book of job. Evidence that elihu prepared job for god the bible meditator. The climax of the book of job comes with the speeches of yahweh beginning in chapter 38. He concludes his speech with an effort to speak on gods behalf and by ascribing righteousness to the almighty. They will say a pious scribe came upon the book of job and he was just not happy with it and he thought he would improve upon it, so he added the speeches of elihu. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a fourth friend steps in and is given six consecutive chapters to present yet another speech to job. Jun 14, 2017 a2a what is the role of elihu in the book of job. But his friends speeches try to convince job of the precise opposite.

Yahweh has not spoken since job 12 and there he had only spoken to the satan. He isnt mentioned as one of job s friends, but apparently he was there listening in on their conversation, because he knows all about it when he chimes in. However, at the end of the story, god chastises all of jobs friends except elihu. Job had verged to the other extreme, and had said that it looked as if god had forsaken those that loved him, and that there was no advantage in being righteous. We have already looked at the first, which is jobs speech. Evans, john maclaren 1990 elihu and the interpretation of the. Weve just written essays on the book of job, and ive been looking at whether or not the text answers questions of suffering.

It is true, he says, that the righteous are afflicted, but they are not forsaken. Because job was suffering, they were of the opinion that job had some hidden evil. Bear with me a little, and i will show you that there are yet words to speak on gods behalf. There is little in the book of job to give an indication thats its a true story such as a time and place even by the lax standards of the bible. First, the name elihu is a variant spelling of the name elijah, and elihus actions in the book of job suggest a strong connection to the great prophet. The book of job young elihu speaks 3237 objectives in studying this section 1 to examine elihus perspective in the debate regarding jobs suffering 2 to notice how elihu appears to prepare job for what the lord will have to say summary we are now introduced to a new voice in this discussion. Not only do they incur the indignation of job and his other friend elihu, but god himself rebukes them, saying to eliphaz, i am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant job has. If we were to film this book, the whole movie would take place on a single set, probably in a single day. Dec 03, 2010 finally, we will draw conclusions about the overall role that elihu plays in the drama 8 of job. When we concluded our readings on the book of job in the bible meditator, we wondered about the messages of elihu, the young man who listened to the debate between job and his friends. A surface reading of the book of job usually evokes a reaction such as why is god making a bet with the devil. Aug 30, 2012 evidence that elihu prepared job for god when we concluded our readings on the book of job in the bible meditator, we wondered about the messages of elihu, the young man who listened to the debate between job and his friends.

Elihu believes that the three friends are right in their condemnation of job, but are wrong in their failure to convince job of sin. I admit that there are some things in elihus speeches very hard to understand. The role and character of elihu in the book of job the doc file. Elihu also stood up as a witness for the biblical god jah, when others would not. Elihu has been standing in the shadows, giving deference to his older friends. They are alluded to in chapter 32 and god speaks against them in chapter 42 but they have passed from. Interpretations of elihu in job biblical hermeneutics stack. And then job, when it gets that place, he gets hooked up again. This final time, there is no speech from the third friend, zophar. You can hear a palpable sneer as he says, i attended unto you, and, behold, there was none of you that convinced job, or that answered his words 32. But in between the two comes a person whom we have not seen before, a young man by the name of elihu. In the book of job, it becomes clear that the first three of jobs friends eliphaz, blidad, and zophar speak wrongly. Interpretations of elihu in job biblical hermeneutics.

Given the fact that elihu is never mentioned in the book of job outside of chapters 3237, and that these. The book of job young elihu speaks 3237 objectives in studying this section 1 to examine elihu s perspective in the debate regarding job s suffering 2 to notice how elihu appears to prepare job for what the lord will have to say summary we are now introduced to a new voice in this discussion. Job spends his entire book in a position of sadness and loss. Bear with me a little, and i will show you that there are yet words to speak on gods. Questions about elihu in the book of job scripture zealot blog. Yet at the end of the book, god rebukes job and his three friends, but god never rebukes elihu, indicating that god liked what this young man had to say. Job 28 marks a major turning point in the development of the book. And his insight does indeed make sense out of the apparently arbitrary suffering that. Elihu seems to allude to things said in the previous cycles of dialogues. Dec 03, 2010 the third and best understanding of elihu s role in the book of job is that he helps to prepare job for gods appearance in the whirlwind. And then he takes it upon himself to spend about five chaptersan eighth of the entire bookspouting off his thoughts. Was it unfair for god to allow job to suffer over what was.

This writer cannot accommodate to the opinions of some very respected commentators who understand elihus speeches as not merely commendable, but actually appropriate as an introduction to. The bulk of this argument comes from putting god on trial. Why wasnt elihu included in gods scolding to jobs friends. Mackey was the young elihu of the book of job chs 3237, as according to some, an enlightened prophet whose input is crucial to the dialogue, providing a bridge between job and god, or, as according to mason, an astonishingly pompous little. However, at the end of the story, god chastises all of job s friends except elihu. Nov 20, 2010 job and elihu as job is confronted with his so called friends we meet someone elihu who is never acknowledged of god. With large parts of job being the arguments of his friends which are afterwards being repudiated by god himself, and job repen. Really, the culmination of the book are the gods speeches. He came to his senses quickly and realized that god is almighty and powerful and he was a mere. Speakers of that day impressed their audience more by eloquence than by rigorous logic ill explain. The three comforters, eliphaz, bildad, and zophar, do not speak again. In other words, that the job poet, the original book, did not include the elihu speeches. Even scholars who regard the book of job as a literary composition by a single author tend to see in elihus speeches an early addition or commentary to the original book. Irwin that the book of job divides obviously and naturally into several large sections is freely admitted by all students of the book of whatever stripe of critical bias.

If we are to conclude that often what is most important is spoken last, then we are on sure footing when concluding that pride is a major theme in these speeches and an indication of the true sin that job. Some scholars think that the elihu speeches are entirely secondary. It is the spirit or character of elihu, as expressed and recorded in the book of job, that in many ways parallels the aims and the efforts of elihu books. Blumell he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures 1 corinthians 15. Elihu s assertion that job had claimed innocence is an overstatement. After a few rounds of back and forth, the friends quite down. The authenticity of the elihu speeches in job 3237 31.

Before the character and role of elihu in the book of job can be considered, the question regarding whether or not the elihu speeches are an original part of the book of job must be addressed. Elihus speeches seem more a criticism of the whole book of job to this point than of job himself. Elihu charges job with adding to his sin by multiplying words against god without knowledge 34. He isnt mentioned as one of jobs friends, but apparently he was there listening in on their conversation, because he knows all about it when he chimes in. The speeches, while very poetic at times, dont offer much in the way of logic. Oct 29, 2012 time and time again throughout the story of job, job s three friends, eliphaz, bildad, and zophar, make speeches to job. The elihu speeches1 their place and sense in the book of job. Job 32 good news translation gnt the speeches of elihu. God knows what he is doing and will leave a person in place who. Elihus assertion that job had claimed innocence is an overstatement. Their place and sense in the book of job ragnar andersen tune in ostfold, norway the different opinions about the elihu speeches job 3237 contribute greatly to confusion in research on the book of job. So eliphaz, bildad, and zophar were not able to sustain their theory in the face of job s realism and integrity. Some question the status of elihus interruption and didactic sermon because of his sudden appearance and disappearance from the text.

In the book of job, it becomes clear that the first three of job s friends eliphaz, blidad, and zophar speak wrongly. This is most apparent with elihu who appears, gives a speech and then disappears. Now that everyone has quit talking, elihu is ready to step up and show both job s friends and job that they are wrong. In light of elihus rebuke of job selfrighteousness, however, were. The book of job consists of a prose prologue and epilogue narrative framing poetic dialogues and monologues. Time and time again throughout the story of job, jobs three friends, eliphaz, bildad, and zophar, make speeches to job. It is true elihu is not mentioned elsewhere in the book.

At a recent pastors conference on the book of job, a leader asked the attendees whether the speeches of elihu job 3237 should be. Elihu, the forgotten prophet of job the book of job is one of the most important of the entire bible, and is a prerequisite to all discussions of christian theology, particularly theodicy. The third and best understanding of elihus role in the book of job is that he helps to prepare job for gods appearance in the whirlwind. Elihu is afraid that theyll just let god do what in his mind they should actually be doing. Their sin, and nothing god has put in place, as elihu explains.

Elihu addresses job by name, something the three friends had not done. He prosecuted his former discourse, he thus pronounced as the vulgate hath it in answer to some of jobs former speeches, which he here reciteth, but not so candidly. And then he takes it upon himself to spend about five chaptersan eighth of the entire book spouting off his thoughts. The enigma of elihu spectrum website spectrum conversation. Elihu proclaims his indignation and eagerness to speak v1620. In the first speech, there is a short introduction vv. People say things about god and other people that just arent right.

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